Thursday, August 16, 2018

First Day of School

First Day of School Facebook feed is full of them. Pre-Kindergarten to seniors in high school. Soon the college pictures will start up as well. 

I will never have pictures of the kids by the front door, no worries about how my child will do on their first day, how the bus ride is. No back to school shopping to pick out the perfect first day outfit. No lunches to pack with encouraging notes inside. No teacher-parent conferences. No helping with homework.

Right now, I am in a place of has been my life for the past 4 or 5 years to be honest. Right now, I am getting ready to leave one town to move to another. I have friends in both. I am leaving a living situation where I am surrounded by people and puppahs who love me, and I am going to miss them all so much. So .... 

I don't want this to be all about self-pity of what I don't have. I want to make it also forward looking to think about how to fill the empty space with goodness and light. I think my life being in flux is making the difficult. There is so much unknown about how my life will be different in two weeks, imagining it all is beyond what I feel capable. 

So I will end with this beginnings, new possibilities....


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