Monday, November 12, 2018

Stray Thougths

I wish I could put up a mental wall, a barrier to stop the stray thoughts that bring my to my knees with sadness.

I was in a wonderful mood. Happy, dancing around the house. Ready to face the week.

It is snowing. I was checking the radar, and then it came....the memory of a perfect moment in time.

It was snowing. My then boyfriend and I were snuggled in bed, making a list of potential baby names. I wrote it down in a journal. A perfect moment...and I will always have this moment.

And now, I do have that perfect moment, but it now comes with such pain. That stray thought has me in tears, which I must wipe off. The day I must face seems dimmer now.

Perhaps being totally alone for three days makes me more vulnerable to the stray thoughts.

Damn it.